Tuesday, April 6, 2010

brewsta brewsta activity 7

on thursday the first of april, the weather was warm and the sun was shinning bright.. that was when my friend D.Richards and i decided to go to 77 water street on 53rd street between Madison and 5th .. when i got there i noticed that plaza such as these are usually used as a breather in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the 5th ave. tourist and consumers..at the time that i went it wasnt very crowded and i noticed that the people that were generally older people, or families with young children who were enticed by the water.. or groups of young people looking for a photo-op..after taking getting over my awe of the water i noticed that other people were in the process of doing the same (staring at the water), taking pictures, eating their lunches,talking on the phone (some to each other),a few kids skipped up and down the stairs as their parents looked on, while others were just sitting in the provided chairs observing the scenery...from what i saw i would say that the space was being used the way that it was meant to.. even though some were gathered by the entrance closer to the stairs .. the chairs and tables provided were being used they way they were intended(vs..people sitting on the tables with their feet on the chairs) and where the waterfall was right before it was a metal chain around (obviously stating that the water shouldnt be touched) and a ledge inside of that creating more distance between me and the water.. and since no one made an attempt to step over the chain.. i would say that the articutecs did a pretty good job in getting their point across in how and how not to use the plaza.. the special thing about the water gate plaza is that its like a little niche.. or a secret spot that kind of makes you feel like your not in the city.. much less on 5th ave.. i mean not only was there a water fall but there were plants crawling up and down the walls, and birds flying around.. which totally made me forget how hassled i felt walking through the crowds on my way here .. now on the corner across the street there are hallao vender's.. im not sure if that counts since its not directly located in front of the plaza.. other than the waterfall and the plants i previously mentioned .. there are trees planted in front of the plaza entrance.. when seeing this i thought of the video we saw in class .. and even though people wernt moving and playing musical chairs.. or there werent any guys standing in front of the entrance watching "skirts" go by i did notice that when i first arrived i stopped and stared in frontof the entrance and by simply doing that, that attracted a lot of attention to other passer Byers to the point where they to would stop and stare..as far as deterring the attention of undesirables the only thing i saw that would be for that purpose would be the tall gates that were pushed against the wall during the day.. and which i assume would be locked at night..now though there were no visible signs of surveillance cameras, or security guards, there was a janitor of some sort on the site.. maybe because its in the middle of the city, and has its own gates(so they can close at night) there isnt a need to guard the area that closely..funny enough .. i expected to see a sign similar to a park plague but i dont recall seeing anything that says anything about the plaza.. but i would still assume that it is private space...but as far as being there .. i felt safe ..being that it was equally gendered especially since most people there seemed to be lost in there own worlds..

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